Wolf Pack SARC - Ms. Hyesuk White
Please contact our office number for all SAPR related and non-emergency inquiries
Office DSN: 782-7252
Emergency DSN: 782-7272
1. Get to a safe location.
2. Contact the Wolf Pack SARC or a Volunteer Victim Advocate at the following numbers:
SARC Cell 010-5268-1445
24 Hour Hotline: 063-470-7272
****Come in person to Building 709 room 201 Across from the Community Bank.
Why do we tell you to contact the SARC first? This is to protect your privacy. How you report and what type of report you choose is your right. SAPR provides accurate information for you to make an informed decision. This also allows you to get a Victim’s Attorney prior to going to OSI. Your emotional and physical well being is our greatest concern.
If you have been sexually assaulted or think you may have been:
• Go to a safe location.
• Contact the Kunsan Air Base Sexual Assault Prevention and Response 24/7 Hotline Phone at 782-7272 (DSN) or 063-470-7272 (ROK phone). If injured, contact healthcare personnel. You may also contact your chain of command or law enforcement (military or civilian); however if you do, an investigation will occur and you will not have the option of making a Restricted Report (see below).
• Seek medical care as soon as possible. Even if you do not have any visible physical injuries, you may be at risk of becoming pregnant or acquiring a sexually transmitted disease.
• Ask healthcare personnel to conduct a sexual assault forensic examination (SAFE) to preserve forensic evidence.
• If you suspect you had been drugged, request that a urine sample be collected.
• Preserve all evidence of the assault. Do not bathe, wash your hands or brush your teeth. Do not clean or straighten up the crime scene.
• Write down, tape or record by any other means all the details you can recall about the assault and your assailant.
If you choose a UNRESTRICTED report, you will complete DD FORM 2910 where you elect an unrestricted report. This form is held in the SAPR Office and must be signed by a DOD DSAACP Certified SARC or Victim Advocate. This signed DD 2910 is maintained in the SAPR office for 50 years.
• The Volunteer Victim Advocate will coordinate the services you need immediately.
• The SARC will contact OSI and your Command team to make notification.
• An investigation is initiated.
• The SARC and VVA will assess your physical and emotional safety needs and advocate for you to your Command Team.
• The SAPR team can put in your referral for a victim’s attorney and will advocate that your needs are met at the monthly CMG meeting.
• An unrestricted report opens up the following options: Expedited Transfer, Protective Orders, ongoing Command support, 90 Day Non-rated period.
If you choose a RESTRICTED report, your will complete DD FORM 2910 where you elect a restricted report. This form is held in the SAPR Office and must be signed by a DOD DSAACP Certified SARC or Victim Advocate. This signed DD 2910 is maintained in the SAPR office for 50 years.
Your report remains confidential between you and the SAPR team.
• If you need to get help from your chain of Command to attend doctor’s appointments or get emergency leave, you can now tell your First Shirt that you have a restricted report so they can assist you. The report remains restricted.
• Your victim advocate will help coordinate services with the Sexual assault Medical Manager for a SAFE kit, medical appointments, or mental health appointments.
• You are eligible for a Victim’s Attorney to provide answers for legal and career impact questions.
• In a restricted report, the SARC does not communicate with your Command Team or OSI.
• A victim can move their report to unrestricted at anytime in the future.
• The DD 2910 gets you into any VA Hospital in the nation for help in the Military Sexual Trauma Unit.
If you are not ready to get local help,
please call the 24 hour DOD SAFE Helpline at 1-877-995-5247 where you can speak with a licensed mental health professional who will walk through this crisis with you.
The DOD SAFE Helpline App also offers text, chat, and support group options.
• Special Victims’ Counsel (SVC)- now called Area Victim’s Council
• New DD2910 (3pages) Why is this form important? Access to Military Sexual Trauma Unit at VA
• Expanded Eligibility to File Restricted Reports
• DOD Memo authorizing service to DoD Civilians
• Safe to Report Policy signed, 180 days to Implement, waiting for instructions
• AF/A1X Manpower Study on SAPR office, work towards ending Volunteer VA Program
• IRC Recommendation No Wrong Door Policy – is an approach to sexual harassment, sexual assault, and domestic abuse across the services, DAF is expanding that to victims of any Interpersonal or self-directed violence (ISDV). No member should be told “I can’t help you”. Policy memo coming soon.
• The DoDI 6400.06, DoD Coordinated Community Response to Domestic Abuse. This is the policy that authorizes FAP sexual assault/abuse cases be entered into DSAID.
• The CATCH Program to find serial offenders is now open to both restricted and unrestricted reporters.
• New ET Letter to CC has been standardized
• Installation & senior commanders to publicize how to report sexual assault and retaliation allegation & how to seek assistance in high traffic areas
For Kunsan AB Mental Health call 782-4841
After hours, call the Command Post at 782-6000