Emergency Numbers:
Ambulance / Fire / Police: 911
Off Base: 119
Security Forces Control Center: 782-4944
Agency Numbers:
Medical Group Appointment Line: 782-2273
Civil Engineer Customer Service: 782-5313
Chaplain: 782-4673
Red Cross: 782-4601
Base Operator
- Out of Country: 011-82-63-470-1110
- In Country:063-470-1110
- DSN: 315-782-1110
Command Post
- Out of Country: 011-82-63-470-6000
- In Country:063-470-6000
- DSN: 315-782-6000
Sexual Assault Prevention & Response Office
- DSN: 315-782-7252
- ​Emergency lines
- Out of Country: 011-82-63-470-7272
- In Country:063-470-7272
- DSN: 315-782-7272
- 24-Hr Cell Phone: 010-8520-0443
Commercial calls to the U.S.
To call the U.S.: 99-001-1-(XXX)-XXX-XXXX
8th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
• Commercial: 011-82-63-470-4106 or 011-82-63-470-4705
• DSN: 315-782-4106 or 315-782-4705
The Public Affairs Office cannot redirect calls or provide phone numbers.