Contamination avoidance protects personnel, equipment

  • Published
  • By Readiness and Emergency Management Flight
  • 8th Civil Engineer Squadron
If a chemical attack were to occur at your base, what can you do to avoid contamination?

Place all mission-essential equipment inside or under overhead protection. Those items that do not have overhead protection should be covered with at least two sheets of plastic. Ensure that the plastic is tightly secured around the asset.

Roll up windows on vehicles and close windows and doors to all facilities. Wash and rinse troughs for hands and boots are placed outside of the single entry and exit point for each facility. Hand and boot troughs will be filled with 5-percent [straight household bleach] chlorine solution and covered until use.

Stay on the concrete! When moving on the base, always use the Zone Transition Points, which can be found on page 23 of the Kunsan Air Base Ability to Survive and Operate Guide. Only walk on grass when there is no other option. Yes, it may take longer to walk to work, but it limits the chance of becoming contaminated. If the grass is your only option, decontaminate your boots as soon as you get on the concrete.

When coming within 10 feet of a contaminated asset or facility in Initial Phase, always use Mission-Oriented Protective Posture 4. During the Follow-on Phase, wear gloves only when handling the asset.

Contamination avoidance is vital to protecting personnel and equipment. Cover your assets, stay off the grass, Use ZTPs, and remember the 10-foot rule. These basic measures will help prevent the spread of contamination.