Wolf Pack needs Airmen to 'stay in the game'

  • Published
  • By Maj. William Adams
  • 8th Fighter Wing Command Post chief
Many of us got a chance to watch Aaron Rodgers lead the Green Bay Packers to their fourth Super Bowl title. As a result of his performance, he was selected as the game's Most Valuable Player.

Anyone who has ever played team sports understands that the Packers did not win the Super Bowl with the performance of only one player. It took a team of more than 60 players to get that Super Bowl win. Contributions were made by every person in that organization.

Success is based on the performance of everyone. This is true for Kunsan as well.

We are a team -- a very strong team -- and we call ourselves the Wolf Pack. I found this out the day I was notified of my assignment. While I was discussing my Kunsan assignment with someone during a production meeting, a chief yelled out, "Who you with?" and someone from across the room responded with "the Wolf Pack." At that moment I knew I was going to be a member a very special team.

I am a career aircraft maintainer filling a command post position. Up until now I thought the world evolved around the flightline and if you were not turning jets, you were in the way. Working in the command post has enlightened me to how the wing operates and how important it is for everyone to perform at a high level. It's not just one person or one unit. It is a team that enables us to "Defend the Base, Accept Follow-on Forces and Take the Fight North." Unfortunately, we are not afforded the opportunity to win a Super Bowl and take a few months off. Our success is measured by our ability to meet mission requirements 24/7.

Currently, every person assigned to this base is preparing for the upcoming Operational Readiness Inspection as they should, but our team must continue the same level of focus after the ORI. This will be challenging as many of our teammates begin to rotate to new assignments and new challenges. The Wolf Pack can overcome the Spring and Summer permanent change-of-station cycles if everyone does their part. A good turnover, mission focus and individuals ready to run with the ball and call the plays will ensure wing continuity and forward progress.

Our turnover to the next class of Wolf Pack players is crucial to mission success. It would be easy to punt unresolved issues over to the next class. But that's not the way we do it at the Wolf Pack. The goal has to be leaving our programs or sections better than you received them. Do what you can to ensure the next class starts off with a clean slate. Of course, some improvements or issues require time and money. For these, begin the prep work and provide a detailed plan for completion. Update your continuity binders to make it easy for those who follow you. Turning over a sound program makes the transition easier, and a seamless transition is a good turnover.

Stay focused until the end. No matter the program big or small, do your part and give it 100 percent. Don't fall prey to the urge to slack off and leave it for your replacement. Just like in football, we play until the whistle blows. For those of us in the Wolf Pack, our whistle blows when we get on the Patriot Express. We've all seen those folks who check out before it's their time. We cannot win with those individuals. Mike Singletary said it best, "We cannot play with them; cannot win with them ..." We need people who care about their jobs. Responsible actions on your part will secure the future of the Wolf Pack and sustain mission focus.

Finally, to continue the success and rich tradition of the Wolf Pack, everyone needs to be ready to step up and fill vacancies as people rotate. You never know when you will be asked to carry the ball or lead a team. Be observant, ask questions and assist where you can. Allow yourself to learn as much as possible about the section or the program that you may be asked to lead. Regardless of the position you hold in your unit, you are key to ensuring mission accomplishment and continuity in the wing.

Challenge your teammates if you see them developing a case of shortitis. Reinforce the requirement that we give it 100 percent until the whistle blows. Success is unachievable without the performance of everyone.

So "who you with?"