2017 USFK Men’s Softball Champions
Top Row (Left to Right)
SrA Tyler Skurka, SSgt James Beaulieu, SSgt Richard Olney, TSgt Matthew Copley, A1C Joel Shaffer,
MSgt Matthew Foote, SSgt Nicholas Ott, MSgt Jesse Crose
Bottom Row (Left to Right)
SSgt Matthew Byous, SSgt Jose Bastardo, SrA Darren Walters, SSG William Yongue, SSgt Derek Sizemore,
TSgt Kyle Salyer, SFC Vince Grady, SSgt Scott Huckins
Not Pictured:
SMSgt Ronely Rivera-Ortiz, MSgt Daryl Allen, MSgt David Ohl, SSgt Justin Gates, SrA Hayden George,
SSgt Aaron Lehman, SSgt Chris Perry, SSgt Ramon Santiago, SSgt Alex Tamsen