Pride of the Pack: Senior Airman Jaithon Jackson

  • Published
  • By Staff Sgt. Nicholas Ross
  • 8th Fighter Wing Public Affairs

Senior Airman Jaithon Jackson, 8th Fighter Wing command post emergency actions controller, was recognized as Kunsan’s Pride of the Pack for the week of April 15-19.

Jackson’s leadership praised him for operating the command post console through several high-stress situations and processed them with the utmost care and skill. He was one of two controllers to assist emergency services with communications during an emergency situation.

Jackson is also a key representative for the wing’s readiness reports, going above and beyond to help unit commanders format and report their concerns for monthly meetings.

His upbeat attitude makes him more than just a voice on the other end of the phone and he makes the command post a brighter place.

“I’m grateful to be recognized as Pride of the Pack,” said Jackson. “Coming to work with pride and positivity everyday is a choice and I’m grateful to be prideful.”

Congratulations Senior Airman Jackson on your recognition as Pride of the Pack.